Copyright Policy for Health Sciences Australia (HSA)
ISSN: 2982-2181 (Online)
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All articles published in *Health Sciences Australia (HSA)* are subject to copyright laws. The authors retain the copyright of their work but grant *Health Sciences Australia* the exclusive right to publish, reproduce, and distribute their articles in any medium, including digital and print formats. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work does not infringe upon any existing copyrights.
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All published articles in *HSA* are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), which allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as proper credit is given to the original author(s).
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Authors retain the following rights:
- To use their work for personal purposes, such as for their own educational or professional use, in theses, or for presentations.
- To share the pre-published version of their manuscript (preprint) in institutional repositories or personal websites, acknowledging that the final published version resides with *Health Sciences Australia*.
- To reuse their own published work for subsequent publications, provided proper citation is given to the original work published in *HSA*.
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*Health Sciences Australia* does not tolerate plagiarism or copyright infringement in any form. All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism, and authors are required to ensure that all citations and references are properly credited. If plagiarism or infringement is detected, the article will be rejected or retracted, and legal actions may be pursued.
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Authors are encouraged to deposit their published articles in institutional or subject-specific repositories. *HSA* also ensures long-term digital preservation of published articles through appropriate archiving systems to maintain the accessibility and integrity of the scholarly record.
- Copyright Transfer Agreement
Upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication, authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement that grants *Health Sciences Australia* the rights to distribute and reproduce the work, while allowing authors to retain their ownership rights under the conditions specified above.
By submitting to *Health Sciences Australia*, authors agree to adhere to these copyright policies and ensure compliance with Australian copyright standards.
HSA by Health Sciences Australia is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0